Ana Paula Monte is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal,where she teaches diverse courses in the area of Financial Management, Financial Mathematics and Corporate Finance, since 1995. She is currently the responsible for the Master in Accounting and Finance Master degree at ESTiG, since 2009 and coordinator of the Technological Specialization Course in Accounting and Management since 2007 awarded by this higher education institution. Her actual research concerns the Investor sentiment and Behavioural Finance, Entrepreneurship, Corporate social responsibility and financial performance, Balanced Scorecard and other performance management systems for SME. She is also a researcher member of NECE – Research Centre in Business Sciences (University of Beira Interior, Covilhã – Portugal). She is the coordinator of the Economics and Management Department of the School of Technology and Management of IPB and vicepresident of pedagogical council of ESTiG since 2009 and member of the ESTiG Scientific Council since 2013.
GSM number: 00 351 273 303102
Address: ESTiG-IPB, Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1134, 5301-857 Bragança, Portugal
Current position:
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics and Management of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
University education:
Doctor of Management Sciences – specialization in Corporate Finance (University of Minho, 2008), Master of Business Management – corporate finance specialization (University of Minho, 2001), Bachelor Degree in Business Management (University of Beira Interior, 1993)
Field of research and pedagogical work:
Her actual research concerns Investor sentiment and Behavioural Finance, Entrepreneurship, Corporate social responsibility and financial performance, Balanced Scorecard and other performance management systems for SME. Had participated in 2 international projects I&D and published about 30 papers in books chapters, proceedings and scientific journals with referee. She is also researcher member of NECE – Research Centre in Business Sciences (University of Beira Interior, Covilhã – Portugal).
Since 1995 she works at the Department of Economics and Management of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, teaching courses in the areas of financial management, financial mathematics and corporate finance at the undergraduate level and master level. She supervised several master’s theses and diploma theses and was responsible for the revision of others.
Professional and organisational work:
Since the year 1995 she works at the Department of Economics and Management of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, teaching courses in the areas of financial management, financial mathematics and corporate finance at the undergraduate level and master level. At the moment she combines the teaching activity with the responsibility for the organization of the Accounting and Finance Master degree (at ESTiG and at S. Tomé e Principe – Africa), since 2009 and coordinator of the Technological Specialization Course in Accounting and Management since 2007.
She has been participating as teacher in 2 international Lifelong/Erasmus intensive Programmes: “Stability and Security for European sustainable Development (SSESD)” and “Education for Sustainable Development from the perspective of technologies and materials for environment protection (EDUCATE).” Both held in University of Pitesti (Romania) and granted by Erasmus Programme (European Commission).
She is the coordinator of the Economics and Management Department of the School of Technology and Management of IPB and vice-president of pedagogical council of ESTiG since 2009. She is also member of the ESTiG Scientific Council since 2013.
Published works are accessible at the address: