Degree in Business Economics, Faculty of Economics in Forli’, University of Bologna
Dissertation: (H.A.C.C.P.: riflessi organizzativi sulla produzione di materiale per il confezionamento degli alimenti. Analisi di un caso aziendale). HACCP: organizational aspects on the material production for food packaging. Mark: 110 /110 with laude.
Summer School on Public Management from 12th to 22 th June 2006 – Economics Faculty of Forlì (Italy).
National School of Research Methodology – AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economics) from 18th to 23 th September 2006 – Economics Faculty of Trento (Italy).
National School of Didactics Methodology – AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economics) from 10th to 20 th September 2007 – Torino (Italy).
PhD in Economics and Management of Public Administration – University of Salerno, Department of Business Studies. Title: (La valutazione delle performance nei progetti di Cooperazione Decentrata degli Enti Locali). Performance evaluation in projects of Cooperation Decentralized by Self Local Governments
Research Grant “ Senior” on the research project “ Measurement, control and incentivation of performance in Project Management activities carried out by Self Local Governments of Small and Medium size. University of Bologna.
Research Grant “The role of project management in the improvement of entrepreneurial performances of public networks”. University of Bologna.
Research Position and activities
Research Grant “The role of project management in the improvement of entrepreneurial performances of public networks”. University of Bologna.
Visiting Scholar in Shkodra University – Faculty of Management
Visiting Scholar in State University – Higher School of Economics – Faculty of Management (Moscow – Russia)
Grant from Fondazione Giovanni Dalle Fabbriche, finanziata dal Credito Cooperativo Ravennate & Imolese, for the publishing of the paper (With M. Bianchi; M. Kuvshinova; I. Gerts) “Strategy and governance of NGO structures. Methods and practice” in Social – Humanitarian Researches, n. 3 April, Novosibirsk State Technical University ( ISBN 5-7782-0607-0) pag 256 – 291.
Visiting staff by University of International Business in Almaty (Kazakhstan) lecturing on “The use of simulated enterprise as didactical methodology in Universities” and carrying out the research on “The modernization of ECTS in Transition Countries Universities”.
Visiting researcher by London School of Economics (London) .
Grant from Forlì Faculty of Economics on the course of Simulated Enterprises
Grant from Forlì Faculty of Economics on the subject “The Self Local Government system in Slovenia” as visiting graduate in School of Public Administration – University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Tutor in the Forlì Faculty of Economics for Business Management, Logistics, Human Resource Management, Simulated Enterprises courses.
Lecturer of Business Management in University of Bologna – Forli’ Faculty of Economics.
Academic Affiliations
University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics Forlì
Current Teaching Commitments
Business Management (undergraduate, 2nd year)
Invited Lecturers
Lecture in Master Course “Sustainable Tourism Management” on the subject “Human Resource Management”
Lecture in Master Course “Organizational project management of corporate system” on the subject of “International project management for local system development in Transition Countries” and “The networking approach in project management for Transition Countries” in State University – Higher School of Economics – Faculty of Management (Moscow – Russia).
Within Business Management Module, Lecture on “Gestione per processi” , School of Public Administration, Bologna.
Invited Lecturer in the International Scientific Week of Central Ostrobothnia University (Kokkola – Finland) on project management, performance evaluation system in public Administrations and balanced scorecard
Lecturer on business management, project management, performance evaluation, cooperation system for local system development in the Master Cespem “ Creation and development of innovative Small and Medium Enterprise in Transition Countries”.
Lecturer within the course of post-graduate specialization “Esperto nei processi di internazionalizzazione” , with the collaboration of ISTAO- Confidustria Marche – Banca Marche on: “La Balanced Score Card nella valutazione delle opportunità e dei progetti esteri ”; “Le agenzie di sviluppo e la ricerca delle partnership. Il caso LEDA e Serbian Agency for SME Development” .
Lecturer within the project “Technical assistance project to Serbian Agency for the development of S.M.E. and entrepreneurship ”, UNIDO, Province of Bologna.
Within Business Management Module, Lecture on “ Management per obiettivi, per processi e per eccezioni” , School of Public Administration, Bologna.
Current Projects
Participation to the project TEMPUS CHTMBAL “ Network for Post Graduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries” (2011-2014).
Participation to the project TEMPUS DOCSMES “Regional Joint Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and SME Management for Western Balkan Countries”.
Participation to the project RER “ Start up of professional education in Elbasan with particular regard to the weak categories” (Albania).
Participation to the project INTERREG III A “Development and promotion of local systems to support innovative S.M.E. in Albania, Bosnia and Serbia . SVILOPIM
Team Tutor of Forlì Faculty of Economics in the New York Global Business Challenge for Simulated Enterprises, organized by Merrill Lynch.
Participation to the project Tempus CD_ JEP – 25188-2004 “ Ecological Engineering in Chemical and Biotechnology”, Novosibirsk Technical State University, University of Brighton; University College of London; Budapest, University of Technology and Economics; Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering; Kuzbass State Technical University; Kazan State Technological University; Siberian State Tecnological University; Volgograd State Technical University
Scientific Responsible of the project “Informatization of public transport in Albania for a sustainable development”. Relevant actions of Italy – Albania Scientific Collaboration, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair.
Participation to the project TEMPUS – SCM (N. T002B05) “Implementing of ECTS at Kazahkistan universities” UNIBO – Polo Scientifico Didattico; Osthrobotnia University – Kokkola; Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kostanaj State University; University of International Business in Almaty
Participation to the project L. R. 24 Giugno 2002 “Start up of professional education on managerial culture in Elbasan (Albania) as it regards to weak categories”; Municipality of Cesena; Municipality of Elbasan; Center of professional education of Elbasan; University of Elbasan.
Participation to the project “ Education and technical support for the SMEs development in Durres port “, financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair L212/92.
Participation to the project “The development of social work and long life learning weak categories”, financed by Emilia-Romagna region.
Participation to the project Tempus “Life Long Learning: Siberian structure development”, Novosibirsk State Technical University, London School of Economics.
With M. Bianchi, L. Del Bene, L. Tampieri, S. Zaric, Bacini territoriali e bacini culturali nello sviluppo delle piccolo e medie imprese, Il Ponte Vecchio, Cesena,
Simulazione in Second Life e Business Virtuale nello start up d’impresa del Sistema Moda, CLUEB, Bologna.
With M. Bianchi, “How to manage ECTS. Training Aids for Teachers”. Il Ponte Vecchio ed., Cesena
With M. Bianchi, P. Finell, M. Narenova, “The networking approach to ECTS in Kazakhstan. Manual on Teaching Methodology”. Il Ponte Vecchio ed., Cesena,
With M. Bianchi, “Life Long Learning and Managerial development in transition countries. Cases on strategy, management and performance control” ; Ponte Vecchio ed., Cesena
Papers and articles
Second Life as Educational Space for the Simulation of Enterprises’ Start Up and for Managerial Culture Development pp. 1-50, in Nada Bates-Brkljac (Ed) Virtual Reality, ISBN: 978-1-61470-246-7, NOVA Science Publisher, NY, USA, Chapter 1 (pp. 1-49).
The Governance of Synergies and Conflicts in Project Management: The Case of IPA Project RecoURB, Journal of Knowledge Economy, J Knowl Econ, DOI 10.1007/s13132-011-0074-3, Received: 9 July 2010 / Accepted: 28 November 2011 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011, published online 20 December 2011, Springer, pp. 1-17.
The enterprise simulation in small business start up. The case of cooperation projects between Italy and Albania. 3^ Workshop I processi innovativi nelle piccole imprese. La sfida altre la crisi. Urbino 16-17 Settembre 2011
The enterprise simulation in small business start up. The case of cooperation projects between Italy and Albania. 3^ Workshop I processi innovativi nelle piccole imprese. La sfida altre la crisi. Urbino 16-17 Settembre 2011.
Second Life and enterprise simulation in SME’s start up of fashion sector: the cases ETNI, KK Personal Robe and NFP, in D’Atri A., Ferrara M., George J.F., Spagnoletti P (eds), Information Technology and Innovation trends in organizations, Physica-Verlag, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2631-9. (pp. 523-530).
Insieme a M. Bianchi, Performance determinants in international projects. The case of 2005 – 2010 Tempus submissions, in Albertini S., Bergami M., D’Atri A., De Marco M., De Vita P., Ferrara M., Rossignoli C, Salvemini S., Generazioni e Ri Generazioni nei processi organizzativi. Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-88-89677-21-6
Insieme a M. Bianchi, R.L. Orelli, Performance evaluation of cultural networks. Cases in Cultural Heritage. Proceedings International Conference “Challenges of European Economic Integration of Western Balkan, Economic Faculty – Shkodra University “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Vol.1-3 pp31-46; ISBN 978-9928-4011-2-0
The Roman Amphitheatres on the WEB. A comparative evaluation of information effectiveness and services offer, in M. Bianchi, L. Del Bene, L. Tampieri, S. Zaric, Bacini territoriali e bacini culturali nello sviluppo delle piccolo e medie imprese, Il Ponte Vecchio, Cesena, pp. 267 277. ISBN 978-88-6541-054-7
The Bologna process: problems and perspectives of realization, Proocedings of Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Advisory of Young Scientist University of International Business “Young People in the Science 2010” 3rd International Forum. 14-15 Maggio 2010 Almaty (Kazakhstan), pp. 3-9, Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISBN 978-601-294-011-4
The network governance in international projects management for transition countries development. The experiences of Bologna University, International Conference Proceedings “Economies in transition – during and after”, Skhodra University, 4 december 2009, CAMAJ-PIPA, pp. 172-189, ISBN 978-99956-02-47-5
The simulation by Second Life of SMEs start up. The case of New Fashion Perspectives, in D’Atri A., De Marco M., Braccini A.M., Cabiddu F., (Editors), Management of the Interconnected World, Springer. ISBN 978-3-7908-2403-2
(Insieme a M. Bianchi, J.O. Imoniana,, J. Tesic), Comparing the role of managerial control in micro family business start-up in Bosnia Erzegovina, Brazil and Italy, in Corporate Ownership & Control / Volume 7, Issue 2, Winter 2009 – Continued – 1, pp. 224-237
“Clustering e networking nella formazione all’impresa del settore trasporti”, in Proceedings 2007-2008 Iniziative Scientifiche dell’Ambasciata d’Italia in Albania. Sviluppo Sostenibile per l’Albania, ISBN 9789995647124, pp. 971-976.
“The international project management for the Reform of Higher Education in transition countries. Some experiences from the University of Bologna”, in Symposium Proceedings – Third International Symposium on the development of public administration in Southeast Europe. Public Administration in the context of financial crisis and economic slowdown. P. Pevcin, S. Setnikar Cankar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration 18 – 19 June 2009, ISBN 978-961-262-018-9, pp. 1-14.
The enterprise simulation in Second Life. The case of Perting Ltd, in Proceedings – S. Newell; E. Whitley; N. Pouloudi; J. Wareham; L. Mathiassen (Eds) Information Systems in a globalising world: challenges, ethics and practices; Università di Verona-Facoltà di Economia; 8 – 10 June 2009 Verona, Italy, pp.1-12; ISBN 978-88-6129-391-5, pubblicato online.
The decentralized cooperation and the role of Universities in Local Systems. The case of SVILOPIM project, in Proceedings “ Economics Faculty as contributor to Economic Development of Communities”, Camaj Pipa ed., pp. 155- 169, ISBN: 978-99956-02-86-4
Le prestazioni organizzative di sistema nella messa in rete dei servizi degli enti locali. Il caso dell’Unione Valconca, Azienda Pubblica, Maggioli ed., n.4, Ottobre-Dicembre 2008 pp. 515-537.
The perceived and effective performance evaluation of SMEs development projects in Transition Countries. Proceedings, in Paraskakis I., Luneski A., (2008), Infusing Research and knowledge in South-East Europe, 3rd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference (26-27June), South East European Centre, Vol.1, pp. 37-51. (ISBN 978-960-89629-7-2)
(With M. Bianchi) – Performance effettiva e performance percepita nei progetti di cooperazione decentrata per lo sviluppo dei sistemi locali. Atti del Convegno. III Workshop Nazionale di “Azienda Pubblica” presso l’Università di Salerno, 5-6 Giugno 2008, pp.1-16
(With M. Bianchi, J.O. Imoniana, J. Tesic), A comparative analysis study of the role of managerial control in micro family business start up in Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil and Italy, in Revista do CCEI Centro de Ciências da Economia e Informática Vol.12, n.22 – Agosto 2008, LEB – Editoria e distribuidora de livros Ltda, pp. 13-28 (ISSN 1415-2061).
“Clustering e networking nella formazione all’impresa del settore trasporti”, paper presentato al Convegno “Logistica e nuova tecnologia per lo sviluppo dei Porti del Corridoio 8 nelle relazioni tra Italia e Albania ” – Iniziative Scientifiche dell’Ambasciata d’Italia in Albania.
(With M. Bianchi), Falsificare la simmetria: Efficienza ed Inefficienza nella riproducibilità delle organizzazioni e nella misurazione delle prestazioni organizzative, in Atti Convegno IX Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (7-8 Febbraio 2008), Università Ca Foscari di Venezia.
“Definition of Scientific and Entrepreneurial Parks as a pre condition of european projects in Transition Countries”, in University of International Business Review, n. 4 (6), October – December 2007, ISSN 1990-5580, pp. 51- 56
(With M. Bianchi, J.O. Imoniana, J. Tesic), Un’analisi comparata sul ruolo del controllo manageriale nello start up del Micro Family Business in Bosnia Erzegovina, Brasile e Italia, AIDEA Ottobre 2007 – Università della Cattolica di Milano.
(With S. Zaric), Improving intangible assets through project management in transition countries, in Stojan Babić S., Cerović B., Jakšić M., Praščević A., (A cura di) (2007), challenges of globalization and transition, Proceedings of Contemporary challenge of Theory and Practice in Economics, 26-29 Settembre 2007, Faculty of Economics – University of Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-403-0845-8, pp. 417 – 427
(With M. Bianchi), Virtual communities for the creation of scientific and entrepreneurial parks in transition countries, in “Global Challenges for Competitiveness:Business and Government Perspective”, Pula, 26-29 sett. 2007, ISBN 978 953 7498030, pp. 393 – 406
( With M. Bianchi), Clustering e networking nella creazione di nuove forme organizzative. I risultati del laboratorio di Simulazione d’impresa nei progetti di sviluppo dei Paesi in Transizione, in Atti del Convegno “Relazioni di lavoro e forme organizzative: nuovi modelli progettuali”; VIII Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (8-9 Febbraio)
“Un’applicazione sperimentale della Balanced Scorecard alla riorganizzazione di un Corridoio logistico. Il caso del Corridoio Paneuropeo n.8” ; in I Processi di Standardizzazione in azienda. Aspetti istituzionali, organizzativi e manageriali, finanziari e contabili, FrancoAngeli ed.
“Avaliacao de desempenho de servicos de transporte publico” (La valutazione delle performance dei servizi di trasporto pubblico), in organizacoes em contexto , Ano I, n. 3, junho de 2006, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP: Metodista ; pp. 199 – 219 ; ISSN 1809 – 1040
Integrazione del servizio SUAP e mobilità territoriale: Il caso dell’Unione comuni Valconca. Azienditalia IPSOA n. 4
(With M. Bianchi) “Percezione e coerenza degli indicatori di performance nel quadro dell’ applicazione dei princìpi contabili” , in (G. Farneti, S. Pozzoli) ( a cura di ) “ I principi di reporting per le pubbliche amministrazioni”, FrancoAngeli ed., Milano.
(With M. Bianchi; M. Kuvshinova , I Gerts), The results of international research of strategies and management non-profit organization, in Non-profit organization in Russia, n. 3(32) May-June, Delo and Servis, Moscow, pp. 37 – 48 ISSN 1814-8484
(With M. Bianchi; M. Kuvshinova; M.Khurtin); “Strategy and governance of NGO structures. Methods and practice” in Social – Humanitarian Researches, n. 3 April, Novosibirsk State Technical University ( ISBN 5-7782-0607-0) pag 256 – 291
Performance evaluation indexes in Public Administrations. Some issues about their concrete usefulness, in UPRAVA administration, letnik III, stevilka 2, december 2005, Fakulteta za upravo Univerze v Ljubljani (ISSN 1581-7555) pag 59 – 80.
“Organizzare le P.M.I. in un distretto portuale. Sviluppo e mobilità sostenibile del Porto di Ravenna”, Atti del Convegno “ Il Corridoio 8 – Una sfida per la costruzione di un “sistema di reti” di sviluppo nell’Area Balcanica”, Ambasciata d’ Italia In Tirana, Accademia delle Scienze di Albania, Tirana 29 maggio 2004.